People | Locations | Statistics |
Ferrari, A. |
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Schimpf, Christian |
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Dunser, M. |
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Thomas, Eric |
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Gecse, Zoltan |
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Tsrunchev, Peter |
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Della Ricca, Giuseppe |
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Cios, Grzegorz |
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Hohlmann, Marcus |
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Dudarev, A. |
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Mascagna, V. |
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Santimaria, Marco |
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Poudyal, Nabin |
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Piozzi, Antonella |
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Mørtsell, Eva Anne |
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Jin, S. |
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Noel, Cédric |
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Fino, Paolo |
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Mailley, Pascal |
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Meyer, Ernst |
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Zhang, Qi |
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Pfattner, Raphael | Brussels |
Kooi, Bart J. |
| |
Babuji, Adara |
| |
Pauporte, Thierry |
Edelmann, J.
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (9/9 displayed)
- 2011Determination of adhesive forces and sticking temperature of coated glasses for the hot-embossing-process ; Bestimmung von Haftkräften und Klebetemperatur von beschichteten Gläsern für den Heißprägeprozeßcitations
- 2010Micro structuring of inorganic glass by hot embossing of coated glass waferscitations
- 2009New coating strategy for hot embossing of glass
- 2009Isothermes Heißprägen von beschichteten Glaswafern ; Isothermal hot-embossing of coated glass wafers
- 2008Isothermes Heißprägen von beschichtetem Glas
- 2008Method for the compensation of process-immanent form deviation in hot embossing of glass ; Methode zur Kompensation der prozessimmanenten Gestaltabweichung bei der Heißformgebung von Glas
- 2008High precision laser structuring of micro forming tools ; Hochgenaue Laserstrukturierung von Mikroabformwerkzeugen
- 2006High temperature micro forming of inorganic glass - an effective replication method ; Hochtemperatur Mikroumformung von anorganischem Glas - eine effektive Replikationsmethode
- 2005Investigations of polycrystalline magnetic shape memory alloys ; Untersuchungen zu polykristallinen magnetischen Formgedächtnislegierungen
Places of action
Micro structuring of inorganic glass by hot embossing of coated glass wafers
S.553-560 ; Hot embossing is an economical manufacturing process for structuring of glass. However, this process is limited by sticking of glass melts on the moulding tools. In order to prevent this problem, the glass substrate was coated with thin metal, carbon and oxide layers. In the current work, the behaviour and suitability of the coatings for the embossing process were investigated. As a result, it was found that all coatings showed a clear decrease of adhesive forces and an increase of sticking temperature out of the range relevant for hot embossing. The examined coatings behave ductile, however, under larger elongations they tend to crack. Examples of fluidic structures with lateral geometries in millimetre and micrometre range were realized. The coatings could be successfully applied in moulding experiments without reduction of quality of embossed structures by sticking of the glass melts. The largest aspect ratio of embossing depth to structural width amounted to 3. ; 16 ; Nr.4