People | Locations | Statistics |
Ferrari, A. |
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Schimpf, Christian |
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Dunser, M. |
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Thomas, Eric |
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Gecse, Zoltan |
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Tsrunchev, Peter |
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Della Ricca, Giuseppe |
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Cios, Grzegorz |
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Hohlmann, Marcus |
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Dudarev, A. |
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Mascagna, V. |
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Santimaria, Marco |
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Poudyal, Nabin |
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Piozzi, Antonella |
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Mørtsell, Eva Anne |
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Jin, S. |
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Noel, Cédric |
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Fino, Paolo |
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Mailley, Pascal |
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Meyer, Ernst |
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Zhang, Qi |
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Pfattner, Raphael | Brussels |
Kooi, Bart J. |
| |
Babuji, Adara |
| |
Pauporte, Thierry |
Fino, Paolo
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (42/42 displayed)
- 2023Understanding the microstructure and mechanical performance of heat-treated Inconel 625/TiC composite produced by laser powder bed fusion
- 2022Evaluation of a Laboratory-Scale Gas-Atomized AlSi10Mg Powder and a Commercial-Grade Counterpart for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processingcitations
- 2021Short Heat Treatments for the F357 Aluminum Alloy Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusioncitations
- 2019Effect of heat treatment on microstructural evolution of additively manufactured Inconel 718 and cast alloy
- 2019Reactive spontaneous infiltration of Al-activated TiO2 by molten aluminumcitations
- 2019An Overview of the Recent Developments in Metal Matrix Nanocomposites Reinforced by Graphenecitations
- 2019Application of Directed Energy Deposition-Based Additive Manufacturing in Repaircitations
- 2018Characterization of an Additive Manufactured TiAl Alloy-Steel Joint Produced by Electron Beam Weldingcitations
- 2018Study of the Microstructure and Cracking Mechanisms of Hastelloy X Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusioncitations
- 2018A comparison of Selective Laser Melting with bulk rapid solidification of AlSi10Mg alloycitations
- 2018The Capacity Of Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing Technology For Metallic Part Repairing
- 2018An Overview of Metal Matrix Nanocomposites Reinforced with Graphene Nanoplatelets; Mechanical, Electrical and Thermophysical Propertiescitations
- 2018Production of Single Tracks of Ti-6Al-4V by Directed Energy Deposition to Determine the Layer Thickness for Multilayer Depositioncitations
- 2018A Novel Cu–GNPs Nanocomposite with Improved Thermal and Mechanical Propertiescitations
- 2018Graphene Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy; Microstructure, Thermophysical And Mechanical Properties
- 2017Development of Al- and Cu-based nanocomposites reinforced by graphene nanoplatelets: Fabrication and characterizationcitations
- 2017An Investigation on the Sinterability and the Compaction Behavior of Aluminum/Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNPs) Prepared by Powder Metallurgy
- 2017Experimental validation of topology optimization of Additive Manufactured polymeric beams subjected to three-point bending test
- 2017Characterization of single track formation from Ti-6AL-4V alloy at different process parameters by Direct Energy Deposition
- 2017On the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) of the AlSi10Mg Alloy: Process, Microstructure, and Mechanical Propertiescitations
- 2017New Nanocomposite Materials with Improved Mechanical Strength and Tailored Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Electro-Packaging Applicationscitations
- 2017An Overview of Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Components by Directed Energy Deposition: Microstructure and Mechanical Propertiescitations
- 2017A Novel Approach to Enhance the Mechanical Strength and Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Cu-GNP Nanocompositescitations
- 2016Inconel 625 by Direct Metal Laser Sintering: Effects of the Process Parameters and Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Hardnesscitations
- 2016Evaluation of corrosion resistance of Al-10Si-Mg alloy obtained by means of Direct Metal Laser Sinteringcitations
- 2016Aluminium matrix nano composites by DMLS: effect of the nanoparticles on the microstructure and mechanical properties
- 2016Study of single tracks with alsi10mg and composites powders
- 2016Fabrication and characterization of laminated SiC composites reinforced with graphene nanoplateletscitations
- 2015γ-TiAl alloys produced by Electron Beam Melting for aerospace and automotive applications
- 2015Titanium aluminides for automotive applications processed by Electron Beam Melting
- 2015Polymeric materials as artificial muscles: An overviewcitations
- 2013Microstructure and mechanical properties of milled fibre/SiC multilayer composites prepared by tape casting and pressureless sinteringcitations
- 2013Direct Metal Laser Sintering: an additive manufacturing technology ready to produce lightweight structural parts for robotic applications
- 2013Pressureless sintering of ZrB2–SiC composite laminates using boron and carbon as sintering aidscitations
- 2012High temperature degradation of plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings in oxidizing environment
- 2012Fabrication of short carbon fibre reinforced SiC multilayer composites by tape castingcitations
- 2012Microstructure and mechanical properties of short carbon fibre/SiC multilayer composites prepared by tape castingcitations
- 2012Cost effective glassy carbon brake pads solution for automotive systemscitations
- 2011Mechanical and corrosion performance of SiC multilayer containing porous layerscitations
- 2008Potential of SiC multilayer ceramics for high temperature applications in oxidising environmentcitations
Places of action