People | Locations | Statistics |
Ferrari, A. |
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Schimpf, Christian |
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Dunser, M. |
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Thomas, Eric |
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Gecse, Zoltan |
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Tsrunchev, Peter |
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Della Ricca, Giuseppe |
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Cios, Grzegorz |
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Hohlmann, Marcus |
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Dudarev, A. |
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Mascagna, V. |
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Santimaria, Marco |
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Poudyal, Nabin |
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Piozzi, Antonella |
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Mørtsell, Eva Anne |
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Jin, S. |
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Noel, Cédric |
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Fino, Paolo |
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Mailley, Pascal |
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Meyer, Ernst |
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Zhang, Qi |
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Pfattner, Raphael | Brussels |
Kooi, Bart J. |
| |
Babuji, Adara |
| |
Pauporte, Thierry |
Schaper, M.
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (57/57 displayed)
- 2020Adhesion of HVOF-sprayed WC-Co coatings on 316L substrates processed by SLM
- 2018Inline additively manufactured functionally graded multi-materials: microstructural and mechanical characterization of 316L parts with H13 layerscitations
- 2017Influence of sticking on the roll topography at twin-roll casting of aluminum alloyscitations
- 2017Modelling the constitutive behaviour of martensite and austenite in shape memory alloys using closed-form analytical continuous equationscitations
- 2016Influence of surface pre-treatments on the high-cycle fatigue behavior of Ti-6Al-4V - From anodizing to laser-assisted techniquescitations
- 2016On the microstructural and mechanical properties of post-treated additively manufactured Inconel 718 superalloy under quasi-static and cyclic loadingcitations
- 2016Analysis of Microstructure and Damage Evolution in Ultra-Thin Wires of the Magnesium Alloy MgCa0.8 at Multipass Drawingcitations
- 2016Labelling additively manufactured parts by microstructural gradation-advanced copy-proof designcitations
- 2016Microstructural design of Ni-base alloys for high-temperature applications: impact of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties after selective laser meltingcitations
- 2015Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Performance of Hot Work Tool Steel Processed by Selective Laser Meltingcitations
- 2015Processing of New Materials by Additive Manufacturing: Iron-Based Alloys Containing Silver for Biomedical Applicationscitations
- 2015Damage evolution in pseudoelastic polycrystalline Co-Ni-Ga high-temperature shape memory alloyscitations
- 2015Influence of Short Austenitization Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of Low-Alloy Steels for Hot Forming Applicationscitations
- 2015Property Optimization for TWIP Steels - Effect of Pre-deformation Temperature on Fatigue Propertiescitations
- 2015Functional encapsulation of laser melted Inconel 718 by Arc-PVD and HVOF for post compacting by hot isostatic pressingcitations
- 2015Testing of pipe sections
- 2014Sandwich rolling of twin-roll cast aluminium-steel clad stripscitations
- 2014Modeling of spray cooling during induction hardening of spur gearwheels made from 42CrMo4 hardening and tempering steelcitations
- 2014Influence of the Twin-Roll Casting Parameters on the Microsegregation in Thin Strips of the Aluminium Alloy EN AW-6082
- 2014Functional encapsulation of laser melted inconel 718 by Arc-PVD and HVOF for post compacting by hot isostatic pressing
- 2014Spray cooling of extruded EN AW-6082 aluminium alloy sheets: spatial heat transfer coefficients,Abkühlen stranggepresster Platten aus der Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-6082 mittels Spraykühlung – örtliche Wärmeübergangskoeffizientencitations
- 2014Heat treatment of aluminum-titanium-compounds made by co-extrusion and friction welding
- 2014Cyclic degradation mechanisms in aged FeNiCoAlTa shape memory single crystalscitations
- 2014Thermal cycling behavior of an aged FeNiCoAlTa single-crystal shape memory alloycitations
- 2014Lattice structures manufactured by SLM: On the effect of geometrical dimensions on microstructure evolution during processingcitations
- 2014Tempering induction hardened 42CrMo4 steel helical gearwheels from residual heat using spray coolingcitations
- 2014Influence of hot deformation on mechanical properties and microstructure of a twin-roll cast aluminium alloy en AW-6082citations
- 2014Formation and properties of mixed ferritic-martensitic microstructures in the air-hardening steel LH800citations
- 2014An experimental and numerical investigation of different shear test configurations for sheet metal characterizationcitations
- 2013A numerical investigation of the interplay between cohesive cracking and plasticity in polycrystalline materialscitations
- 2013Twin-roll casting of aluminum-steel clad stripscitations
- 2013Water-air spray cooling of extruded profiles: Process integrated heat treatment of the alloy EN AW-6082citations
- 2013Microstructure evolution of the air-hardening steel LH800® due to heat treatmentcitations
- 2012Preparation routine for the in-situ strain analysis of deep-drawing steel DC04 by means of transmission electron microscopy | Präparationsroutine zur in-situ Dehnuntersuchung des Tiefziehstahls DC04 mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
- 2012Investigation of the water-air cooling process of the thick- walled extruded profile made of alloy en aw-6060 on the output table
- 2012Numerical investigation of in situ TEM tensile tests
- 2012Modeling the relationship between hardness and spray cooling parameters for pinion shafts using a neuro-fuzzy model strategy
- 2012Numerical calculation of an integrated heat-treatment process for precision forged parts | Numerische Berechnung einer integrierten Wärmebehandlung für präzisionsgeschmiedete Bauteile
- 2011A study of structure evolution in pearlitic steel wire at increasing plastic deformationcitations
- 2011Microstructural behaviour of tempering steels during precision forging and quenching from hot-forming temperatures
- 2011Optimised press-hardening process using spray cooling - Process integrated heat treatment of 22MnB5 sheet metal
- 2011An experimental and numerical assessment of sheet-bulk formability of mild steel DC04citations
- 2010Microstructure transformations in tempering steels during continuous cooling from hot forging temperaturescitations
- 2010Computation of isothermal transformation diagrams of 42CrMo4 steel from dilatometer measurements with continuous coolingcitations
- 2010Simulation of gas and spray quenching during extrusion of aluminium alloyscitations
- 2009Prediction of continuous cooling diagrams for the precision forged tempering steel 50CrMo4 by means of artificial neural networkscitations
- 2009Isothermal microstructural transformations of the heat-treatable steel 42CrMo4 during heat-treatment following hot-formingcitations
- 2009Simulation of microstructure and residual stress development in cylinders of AISI 4140 during quenching by spray cooling and following tempering
- 2009Simulation of integrated heat-treatment of precision forged componentscitations
- 2008Fatigue of highly strengthened Cu-Ag alloyscitations
- 2008Process Analysis and Physical Simulation of Electromagnetic Joining of Thin-Walled parts
- 2008Design and Analysis of a Deep Drawing and Inprocess Electromagnetic Sheet Metal Forming Process
- 2008Efficient modelling and simulation of process chains in sheet metal forming and processingcitations
- 2006Determination of yield stress and Hall-Petch coefficients of the tempering steel 42CrMo4 with different microstructure by means of indentation testing,Bestimmung der Streckgrenze und der Hall-Petch-konstanten des vergütungsstahles 42CrMo4 unterschiedlichen gefüges mittels eindruckprüfungencitations
- 2006Simulation of quenching by means of spray cooling - H transfer, microstructure and hardness | Simulation des abschreckhärtens mittels sprühkühlung - Wärmeübergang, gefüge und härtecitations
- 2006Determination of heat transfer coefficents during spray cooling by measuring spray characteristicscitations
- 2005Statistical property of droplet-distribution in steady state atomisation process,Statistische Beschreibung der Tropfengrößenverteilung bei stationären Zerstäubungsprozessencitations
Places of action