People | Locations | Statistics |
Ferrari, A. |
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Schimpf, Christian |
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Dunser, M. |
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Thomas, Eric |
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Gecse, Zoltan |
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Tsrunchev, Peter |
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Della Ricca, Giuseppe |
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Cios, Grzegorz |
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Hohlmann, Marcus |
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Dudarev, A. |
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Mascagna, V. |
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Santimaria, Marco |
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Poudyal, Nabin |
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Piozzi, Antonella |
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Mørtsell, Eva Anne |
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Jin, S. |
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Noel, Cédric |
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Fino, Paolo |
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Mailley, Pascal |
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Meyer, Ernst |
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Zhang, Qi |
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Pfattner, Raphael | Brussels |
Kooi, Bart J. |
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Babuji, Adara |
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Pauporte, Thierry |
Neugebauer, Reimund
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (67/67 displayed)
- 2015Productivity Improvement Through the Application of Hybrid Processescitations
- 2013Method and tool design for passive sheet metal hydroforming on conventional single action presses ; Methode und Werkzeugdesign für die passive Innenhochdruck-Umformung von Blechen auf einfach wirkenden Pressencitations
- 2012Acoustic emission as a tool for identifying drill position in fiber-reinforced plastic and aluminum stackscitations
- 2012Take the fast route with electromagnetic forming ; Nimm die Überholspur mit elektromagnetischer Umformung
- 2012Trends and developments in the area of material sciences and manufacturing technologies for medical supportive structures
- 2011State space modeling of non-proportional passive damping in machine toolscitations
- 2011Hot sheet metal forming : The formulation of graded component characteristics based on strategic temperature management for tool-based and incremental forming operationscitations
- 2011Manufacture of a beta-titanium hollow shaft by incremental formingcitations
- 2011Influence exerted by tool properties on the energy efficiency during drilling and turning operationscitations
- 2011Velocity effects in metal forming and machining processescitations
- 2010Zustandsraummodellierung nicht-proportional gedämpfter Systeme in der mechatronischen Simulation
- 2010Advanced state space modeling of non-proportional damped machine tool mechanicscitations
- 2010Characterization of contact tensions during incremental forming of metal compositescitations
- 2010Active media-based form hardening of tubes and profilescitations
- 2009Local laser heat treatment of ultra high strength steels to improve formabilitycitations
- 2009Design, modeling and functionality allocation in mechatronic production systems
- 2009Stiffness analysis of spot joints as a condition for the numeric modelling - new test methodscitations
- 2009Auslegung beschichteter Werkzeuge zur Umformung hochfester Aluminiumwerkstoffe ; Dimensioning of coated tools for high strength aluminium forming processescitations
- 2009Umformende Herstellung von Al/Mg-Werkstoffverbunden ; Manufacture of Al/Mg-composites by formingcitations
- 2009Gas forming with integrated heat treatment for high performance steel - a solution approach for press hardened tubes and profiles
- 2009Werkzeugauslegung für das temperierte Umformen
- 2009Process monitoring and closed loop controlled process
- 2009Anforderungen generieren fertigungstechnische Innovationen ; Fundamental investigations on sheet metal forming of high strength steels at elevated temperatures
- 2008Design, modeling and functionality allocation in mechatronic production systems
- 2008Simulation of a self-deburring drilling process based on local material modification
- 2008Modern methods of preforming titanium alloys for forging aero engine vanes ; Moderne Methoden zur Zwischenformung beim Gesenkschmieden von Triebwerkschaufeln aus Titanlegierungen
- 2008Analysis of structural and functional properties of Ni50Mn30Ga20 after plastic deformationcitations
- 2008Overview on the state of development and the application potential of dieless mechanical joining processes ; Überblick zum Entwicklungsstand und dem Anwendungspotenzial von matrizenlosen mechanischen Fügeprozessen
- 2008Process monitoring and closed loop controlled process
- 2008New approach for the characterisation of sheet materials - a precondition for the use of new sheet materials and forming processes
- 2008Creation of ultra-fine grained (UFG) materials by incremental bulk metal forming
- 2008Overview on the state of development and the application potential of dieless mechanical joining processes
- 2008Definierte Oberflächenfeingestalt von Rohren und Profilen für das Innenhochdruck-Umformen (IHU)
- 2008Optimierung des Walzprozesses hoher Laufverzahnungen
- 2007Comparison of dieless clinching and dieless rivet clinching of magnesium
- 2007Study about possibilities for direct integration of piezo-fibers in sheet metalcitations
- 2007Dieless clinching and dieless rivet-clinching of magnesiumcitations
- 2007A new technology for the joining by forming of magnesium alloyscitations
- 2007Applying mechatronic strategies in forming technology using the example of retrofitting a cross rolling machine ; Anwendung mechatronischer Konzepte in der Umformtechnik am Beispiel des Retrofittings einer Flachbackenquerwalzmaschinecitations
- 2007Vibration damping with active carbon fiber structurescitations
- 2007Mechatronic systems for machine toolscitations
- 2007Process monitoring and closed loop controlled process ; Prozessüberwachung und - regelkreis
- 2007Patchwork Blanks - an effective technology for the economic production of lightweight parts
- 2007Potentials and limits of temperature-supported forming operations in car manufacturing
- 2006Identifikation des Materialverhaltens von Blechwerkstoffen des Automobilbaus mittels neuartiger Prüfverfahren und Auswertestrategien
- 2006A Production-oriented Approach in Electromagnetic Forming of Metal Sheets
- 2006Systematische, erweiterte Kennwertermittlung
- 2006Analysis of structural and functional properties of Ni50Mn30Ga20 after plastic deformation
- 2006Sheet metal forming at elevated temperaturescitations
- 2006Demands on tool and machine design for temperature supported hydroforming of magnesium and aluminium alloys
- 2006Gesteuerte, partielle Beeinflussung des Werkstoffflusses zur Erweiterung der Umformgrenzen beim Innenhochdruck-Blechumform-Prozess (IHB)
- 2006Nietclinchen - ein neues Fügeverfahren für die Karosseriefertigung
- 2006Untersuchung der Kombination von Hydroumformung und Fügen von Blechen
- 2005Anwendung der dynamisch-energetischen Simulation zur Produktivitätssteigerung bei Massivumformmaschinen mit hydraulischen Antrieben
- 2005The potential and application limits of temperature - supported hydroforming of magnesium alloys
- 2005Analysis of selected parameters of powder metallurgical metal foam process
- 2005Innovative process chains to fabricate hollow shafts by partial forming ; Innovative Prozessketten zur Herstellung hohler Wellen durch partielle Umformung
- 2005Investigations of polycrystalline magnetic shape memory alloys ; Untersuchungen zu polykristallinen magnetischen Formgedächtnislegierungen
- 2005Strukturintegrierte Aktorik im Maschinenbau ; Strukture integrated actuators for machinery
- 2005Comparison of material behavior and economic effects of cold and high temperature forming technologies applied to high-strength steelscitations
- 2005Chances and challenges in joining by forming with a flat counter tool ; Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen des Umformfügens mit flachem Gegenwerkzeugcitations
- 2004The Potential for Electromagnetic Metal Forming for Plane (Car Body) Components
- 2004Schneiden und Lochen - ein entwicklungsorientierter Bereich der Blechbearbeitung
- 2003An engine hood of magnesium wrought alloys made by tempered sheet hydroforming with hydroforming fluids - state of the art in research
- 2002Modelling of process control in spin extrusion
- 2002Spot-joining - new technologies in the field of joining by forming
- 2002Verfahrensintegration beim Innenhochdruck-Umformen - Schneiden, Ziehen, Fügen
Places of action