People | Locations | Statistics |
Ferrari, A. |
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Schimpf, Christian |
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Dunser, M. |
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Thomas, Eric |
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Gecse, Zoltan |
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Tsrunchev, Peter |
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Della Ricca, Giuseppe |
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Cios, Grzegorz |
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Hohlmann, Marcus |
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Dudarev, A. |
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Mascagna, V. |
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Santimaria, Marco |
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Poudyal, Nabin |
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Piozzi, Antonella |
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Mørtsell, Eva Anne |
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Jin, S. |
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Noel, Cédric |
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Fino, Paolo |
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Mailley, Pascal |
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Meyer, Ernst |
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Zhang, Qi |
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Pfattner, Raphael | Brussels |
Kooi, Bart J. |
| |
Babuji, Adara |
| |
Pauporte, Thierry |
Jerman, Milos
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (59/59 displayed)
- 2023Ecotoxicity of Caffeine as a Bio-Protective Component of Flax-Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy-Composite Building Material
- 2022Ecotoxicity and Biodegradation of Sustainable Environment-Friendly Bone-Glue-Based Adhesive Suitable for Insulation Materialscitations
- 2022Fired clay brick waste as low cost and eco-friendly pozzolana active filler in gypsum-based binderscitations
- 2022Effect of steaming temperature on microstructure and mechanical, hygric, and thermal properties of binderless rape straw fiberboardscitations
- 2022Utilization of ceramic powder, calcined shale and sintered mullite as partial replacements of calcium aluminate cementcitations
- 2021Sustainable composite material based on surface-modified rape straw and environment-friendly adhesivecitations
- 2021Biodegradation of Methylxanthines by Coniophora puteana
- 2021Effect of Superabsorbent Polymers on Hydration Heat Evolution of Cementitious Materials
- 2021Biomass fly ash as an alternative to coal fly ash in blended cements: Functional aspectscitations
- 2020Interior thermal insulation systems based on wood fiberboards: experimental analysis and computational assessment of hygrothermal and energy performance in the Central European climatecitations
- 2020Experimental Determination of Acoustic Properties of Brick Block by Reverberation Chambers Method
- 2019Self-heating Experiment: Alkali-activated Aluminosilicate with Carbon-based Admixture
- 2019Influence of free and sorbed zinc on cement hydrationcitations
- 2019Monitoring the course of early-age reactions in alkali activated aluminosilicates
- 2019Experimental Determination of Heat and Moisture Transport Properties of AAC in the Range of Subzero to Room Temperaturescitations
- 2019Effect of cyclic wetting and drying on microstructure, composition and length changes of lime-based plasterscitations
- 2018Hydration of Ordinary Portland Cement in Presence of Lead Sorbed on Ceramic Sorbentcitations
- 2018Experimental Determination of Frost Resistance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete at Different Levels of Moisture Saturationcitations
- 2018Early Age Calorimetric Investigations of Geopolymerscitations
- 2018Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Silicate Matrix for Applications in Effective Media Theorycitations
- 2018Heat and Moisture Transport and Storage Parameters of Bricks Affected by the Environmentcitations
- 2017Computational analysis of heat transport and storage processes in large-volume isothermal heat flow calorimetercitations
- 2017Utilization of Computational Modelling for Determination of Hydration Kinetics of Heterogeneous Materials
- 2017Hydration Heat of Alkali Activated Fine-Grained Ceramiccitations
- 2017Effect of Hygric and Thermal Properties of Connecting Layers on the Performance of Interior Thermal Insulation Systemscitations
- 2017Lime-based plasters with combined expanded clay-silica aggregate: Microstructure, texture and engineering propertiescitations
- 2017Influence of Weather-Affected Material Characteristics on Appearance of Freeze/Thaw Cycles in Building Envelopescitations
- 2017Interior Thermal Insulation Systems for Historical Building Envelopes
- 2017Thermal Insulation Materials for Inside Applications: Hygric and Thermal Properties
- 2016Application of waste ceramic dust as a ready-to-use replacement of cement in lime-cement plasters: an environmental-friendly and energy-efficient solutioncitations
- 2016Characterization of early-age hydration processes in lime-ceramic binders using isothermal calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopycitations
- 2016Identification of Water Diffusivity of Inorganic Porous Materials Using Evolutionary Algorithmscitations
- 2016Isothermal-calorimetry study of the effect of plasticizer and air-entraining agent on the hydration kinetics of blended cements containing brick powder as a pozzolanic addition
- 2015Moisture diffusivity of woodcitations
- 2015Computational assessment of thermal performance of contemporary ceramic blocks with complex internal geometry in building envelopescitations
- 2015Length changes of autoclaved aerated concrete exposed to cyclic wetting and drying
- 2014Determination of Hygric Properties of Hollow Brick Block as a Function of Moisture Content
- 2014Determination of the equivalent thermal conductivity of complex material systems with large-scale heterogeneitiescitations
- 2014Application of Zeolite Concrete in Building Envelopes: Service life analysis
- 2014Effective thermal conductivity of hollow bricks with cavities filled by air and expanded polystyrenecitations
- 2014Effect of Zeolite Admixture on Freeze/Thaw Resistance of Concrete Exposed to the Dynamic Climatic Conditionscitations
- 2014The moisture diffusivity coefficient of different types of sandstone
- 2014Monitoring Thermal Performance of Hollow Bricks with Different Cavity Fillers in Difference Climate Conditionscitations
- 2014Hydraulic conductivity and permeability of different types of sandstone
- 2014The influence of lightweight aggregates on material properties of plasters
- 2013Hygric, thermal and durability properties of autoclaved aerated concretecitations
- 2012Computational Analysis of a Modified Guarded Hot Plate Experimentcitations
- 2012Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Moisture-Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Lightweight Ceramic Brickscitations
- 2012Effect of moisture content on heat and moisture transport and storage properties of thermal insulation materialscitations
- 2011Drying shrinkage of autoclaved aerated concrete
- 2011Moisture and heat transport and storage characteristics of two commercial autoclaved aerated concretes
- 2011Experimental determination of material characteristics of cellular concrete necessary for service life assessment studies
- 2011Hygric and Thermal Properties of Materials Involved in the Envelopes of Contemporary Buildings
- 2010Municipal solid waste incineration ashes and their potential for partial replacement of Portland cement and fine aggregates in concrete
- 2010Thermal and hygric properties of autoclaved aerated concrete
- 2009Properties of hydrophilic mineral wool Front-Rock Max Ecitations
Places of action