People | Locations | Statistics |
Ferrari, A. |
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Schimpf, Christian |
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Dunser, M. |
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Thomas, Eric |
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Gecse, Zoltan |
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Tsrunchev, Peter |
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Della Ricca, Giuseppe |
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Cios, Grzegorz |
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Hohlmann, Marcus |
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Dudarev, A. |
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Mascagna, V. |
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Santimaria, Marco |
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Poudyal, Nabin |
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Piozzi, Antonella |
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Mørtsell, Eva Anne |
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Jin, S. |
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Noel, Cédric |
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Fino, Paolo |
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Mailley, Pascal |
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Meyer, Ernst |
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Zhang, Qi |
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Pfattner, Raphael | Brussels |
Kooi, Bart J. |
| |
Babuji, Adara |
| |
Pauporte, Thierry |
Zhang, H.
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (74/74 displayed)
- 2023Highly tunable Rashba spin-orbit coupling and crossover from weak localization to weak antilocalization in ionic-gated tellurium
- 2023Search for a heavy composite Majorana neutrino in events with dilepton signatures from proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
- 2022Atomic layer deposition of the conductive delafossite PtCoO 2citations
- 2022Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopycitations
- 2022Search for new physics in the lepton plus missing transverse momentum final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeVcitations
- 2022The effect of the charge density of a comb polyphosphate superplasticizer on the structural build-up of cement paste
- 2022Machine learning–enabled high-entropy alloy discoverycitations
- 2021The DAQ system of the 12,000 channel CMS high granularity calorimeter prototypecitations
- 2021Multi‐excitation infrared fusion for impact evaluation of aluminium‐bfrp/gfrp hybrid compositescitations
- 2020Effect of annealing on the electrical and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Ni and permalloy nanowires
- 2020The effect of conductive network on positive temperature coefficient behaviour in conductive polymer compositescitations
- 2020Characterization and numerical modelling of through-thickness metallic-pin-reinforced fibre/thermoplastic composites under bending loadingcitations
- 2020Bio-Inspired Preparation of Clay–Hexacyanoferrate Composite Hydrogels as Super Adsorbents for Cs+
- 2020Sustainable and self-regulating out-of-oven manufacturing of FRPs with integrated multifunctional capabilitiescitations
- 2020Beugungsgitterbasierte Schädigungs-, Eigenfrequenz- und Eigenformmessung an schnelldrehenden Faserverbundrotoren
- 2020High-modulus rotary jet spun co-polyimide nanofibers and their compositescitations
- 2020A Review on Functionally Graded Materials and Structures via Additive Manufacturing: From Multi-Scale Design to Versatile Functional Propertiescitations
- 2020Nano-engineered hierarchical composites with multifunctionalities: From nanofiller network formation to self-sensing and de-icing
- 2019Deformation and fracture of 3D printed disordered lattice materials: Experiments and modelingcitations
- 2019Experimentally informed micromechanical modelling of cement paste: An approach coupling X-ray computed tomography and statistical nanoindentationcitations
- 2019Autonomous Systems Imaging of Aerospace Structures
- 2019Glass-like transparent high strength polyethylene films by tuning drawing temperaturecitations
- 2019Autonomous systems thermographic NDT of composite structures
- 2019Search for excited leptons in %5Cell%5Cell%5Cgamma$ final states in proton-proton collisions at %5Csqrt{s}$ =13 TeVcitations
- 2019Transparent, Lightweight, and High Strength Polyethylene Films by a Scalable Continuous Extrusion and Solid-State Drawing Processcitations
- 2019Additive manufacturing high performance graphene-based composites: A reviewcitations
- 2018Ageing response of an Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr alloy processed by laser metal deposition in thin-wall structurescitations
- 2018First beam tests of prototype silicon modules for the CMS High Granularity Endcap Calorimetercitations
- 2018Size effect on splitting strength of hardened cement paste: Experimental and numerical studycitations
- 2018A comparison of He and Ne FIB imaging of cracks in microindented silicon nitridecitations
- 2018Combined experimental and numerical study on micro-cube indentation splitting test of cement pastecitations
- 2018Towards understanding stochastic fracture performance of cement paste at micro length scale based on numerical simulationcitations
- 2018Effect of relative humidity on SOA formation from isoprene/NO photooxidation: enhancement of 2-methylglyceric acid and its corresponding oligoesters under dry conditionscitations
- 2018Testing and modelling of micro cement paste cube under indentation splittingcitations
- 2018Synthesis of high-oxidation Y-Ba-Cu-O phases in superoxygenated thin filmscitations
- 2017Influence of microencapsulated phase change material (PCM) addition on (micro) mechanical properties of cement pastecitations
- 2017Topologically frustrated ionisation in a water-ammonia ice mixturecitations
- 2017Structural characterization of SnS crystals formed by chemical vapour depositioncitations
- 2017Search for a heavy composite Majorana neutrino in the final state with two leptons and two quarks at %5Csqrt{s}$ =13 TeVcitations
- 2017Search for Low Mass Vector Resonances Decaying to Quark-Antiquark Pairs in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=13 TeVcitations
- 2017How to extract reliable core-volume fractions from core-shell polycrystalline microstructures using cross sectional TEM micrographscitations
- 2017Microscale splitting test on cement paste: Experimental and Modellng study
- 2017Experimental and numerical study of crack behaviour for capsule-based self-healing cementitious materialscitations
- 2017Filtration effects of graphene nanoplatelets in liquid moulding of composites: Problems and possible solutions
- 2016Nanoscale heat transfer in carbon nanotube - sugar alcohol composites as heat storage materialscitations
- 2016Flexible Photodiodes Based on Nitride Core/Shell p-n Junction Nanowirescitations
- 2016InGaN/GaN core/shell nanowires for visible to ultraviolet range photodetectioncitations
- 2016Search for excited leptons in proton-proton collisions at %5Csqrt{s}$ =8 TeVcitations
- 2016Search for massive WH resonances decaying into the l%5Cnu b%5Cbar{b}$ final state at %5Csqrt{s}$ =8 TeVcitations
- 2016Search for excited leptons in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeVcitations
- 2016Search for massive WH resonances decaying into the l nu b(b)over-bar final state at root s=8 TeVcitations
- 2016Microscale testing and modelling of cement paste as basis for multi-scale modellingcitations
- 2016Nano-engineered hierarchical carbon fibres and their composites: Preparation, properties and multifunctionalities
- 2015Thermal contact resistance in carbon nanotube enhanced heat storage materials
- 2015Occurrence and Removal of Organic Micropollutants in Landfill Leachates Treated by Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes ; Présence et traitement des micropolluants organiques dans les lixiviats d'installation de stockage de déchets par des procédés avancés d'oxydation électrochimiquecitations
- 2015Stabilisation of Fe2O3-rich Perovskite Nanophase in Epitaxial Rare-earth Doped BiFeO3 Filmscitations
- 2015Comparative study on submillimeter flaws in stitched T-joint carbon fiber reinforced polymer by infrared thermography, microcomputed tomography, ultrasonic c-scan and microscopic inspectioncitations
- 2015Effect of Zn- and Ca-oxides on the structure and chemical durability of simulant alkali borosilicate glasses for immobilisation of UK high level wastescitations
- 2014Fabrication of nano-TiCp reinforced Inconel 625 composite coatings by partial dissolution of micro-TiCp through laser cladding energy input controlcitations
- 2014Study of the magnetic-Alq3 interface in organic spin-valvescitations
- 2014A family of oxide ion conductors based on the ferroelectric perovskite Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3citations
- 2013Searches for heavy long-lived sleptons and $%5Cit{R}$-hadrons with the ATLAS detector in $%5Cit{pp}$ collisions at $%5Csqrt{s}=7$ TeVcitations
- 2013ATLAS search for new phenomena in dijet mass and angular distributions using $%5Cit{pp}$ collisions at $ %5Csqrt{s}=7 $ TeVcitations
- 2013Searches for heavy long-lived sleptons and R-hadrons with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=7 TeVcitations
- 2013Damage sensing in fibre-reinforced composites using carbon nanotube networks by spray coating
- 2012Growth and characterization of epitaxial Ti3GeC2 thin films on 4H-SiC(0001)citations
- 2012Synthesis of polymer/inorganic nanocomposite films using highly porous inorganic scaffoldscitations
- 2012Damage sensing in fibre-reinforced composites using carbon nanotube networks by spray coating
- 2012Interlaminar toughness improvement of carbon fibre/epoxy composite laminates by electrospun nanofibre interleaves
- 2012Synergistic effects in ternary polymer nanocomposites
- 2010Search for Quark Contact Interactions in Dijet Angular Distributions in $pp$ Collisions at $%5Csqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV Measured with the ATLAS Detectorcitations
- 2009Band gap, electronic structure, and surface electron accumulation of cubic and rhombohedral In2O3 ; Bandabstand, elektronische Struktur und Elektronenakkumulation an der Oberfläche von kubischem und rhomoedrischem In2O3citations
- 2009Light transport regimes in slow light photonic crystal waveguidescitations
- 2002Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders
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