People | Locations | Statistics |
Ferrari, A. |
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Schimpf, Christian |
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Dunser, M. |
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Thomas, Eric |
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Gecse, Zoltan |
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Tsrunchev, Peter |
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Della Ricca, Giuseppe |
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Cios, Grzegorz |
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Hohlmann, Marcus |
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Dudarev, A. |
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Mascagna, V. |
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Santimaria, Marco |
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Poudyal, Nabin |
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Piozzi, Antonella |
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Mørtsell, Eva Anne |
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Jin, S. |
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Noel, Cédric |
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Fino, Paolo |
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Mailley, Pascal |
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Meyer, Ernst |
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Zhang, Qi |
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Pfattner, Raphael | Brussels |
Kooi, Bart J. |
| |
Babuji, Adara |
| |
Pauporte, Thierry |
Zimmermann, Martina
Newcastle University
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (120/120 displayed)
- 2023Influence of a Pronounced Pre-Deformation on the Attachment of Melt Droplets and the Fatigue Behavior of Laser-Cut AISI 304
- 2022Thermo-electro-mechanical characterization of PDMS-Based dielectric elastomer actuatorscitations
- 2021Influence of copper interlayers on the magnetic pulse welding process between aluminum and steelcitations
- 2021Analysis of the remote laser cutting process induced damage in carbon fibre reinforced polymers with cutting process simulationscitations
- 2021Melt Spinning of Highly Stretchable, Electrically Conductive Filament Yarnscitations
- 2021Improving and monitoring the magnetic pulse welding process between dissimilar metals ; Verbessern und Beobachten des Magnetpulsschweißprozesses von verschiedenartigen Metallencitations
- 2021Boride-Carbon hybrid technology for ultra-wear and corrosive conditionscitations
- 2020Mechanical performance and corrosion behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glass produced by selective laser meltingcitations
- 2020Mechanical Properties of Remote-Laser Cut CFRP and Thermographic Laser-Process Monitoringcitations
- 2020Alloy Design and Microstructure Evolution in the AlxCoCrFeNi Alloy System Synthesized by Laser Metal Depositioncitations
- 2020Investigation on the formation of grain boundary serrations in additively manufactured superalloy Haynes 230citations
- 2020Improving and monitoring the magnetic pulse welding process between dissimilar metalscitations
- 2020Comprehensive study on the formation of grain boundary serrations in additively manufactured Haynes 230 alloycitations
- 2020Influence of the edge quality to the water sorption of remote laser and mechanically cut carbon fibre reinforced polymercitations
- 2020A Worm-Like Biomimetic Crawling Robot Based on Cylindrical Dielectric Elastomer Actuatorscitations
- 2020A Biomimetic Fish Fin-Like Robot Based on Textile Reinforced Siliconecitations
- 2020Abscheidung nitridischer Hartstoffschichten auf der Basis von Hochentropielegierungen mit Hilfe des Arc-PVD-Verfahrens und deren Charakterisierung
- 2019Fatigue Behavior of Non-Optimized Laser-Cut Medical Grade Ti-6Al-4V-ELI Sheets and the Effects of Mechanical Post-Processingcitations
- 2019Influence of Microstructural Inhomogeneities on the Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior Under Very Low Amplitudes for Two Different Aluminum Alloyscitations
- 2019Influence of rolling texture on near-threshold crack extension behavior in aluminum alloy EN AW-6082
- 2019Near-threshold crack extension mechanisms in an aluminum alloy studied by SEM and X-ray tomographycitations
- 2019Influence of the edge quality to the water sorption of remote laser and mechanically cut carbon fibre reinforced polymercitations
- 2019Numerical analysis of the thermally induced damage in remote laser cut carbon fibre reinforced polymerscitations
- 2019Cyclic deformation characteristics of the metastable β-type Ti–40Nb alloycitations
- 2019Cyclic deformation characteristics of the metastable v-type Ti-40Nb alloycitations
- 2018Effects of thermomechanical history and environment on the fatigue behavior of (β)-Ti-Nb implant alloyscitations
- 2018Very High Cycles Fatigue -- Ermüdung bei sehr hohen Lastspielzahlen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mikrostrukturanalyse und statistischen Auswertemodellen
- 2018On sample size effects in fracture toughness determination of Bulk Metallic Glassescitations
- 2018Hochfrequenzermüdung - Effiziente Bauteilabsicherung auf dem Prüfstand
- 2018Thermomechanical processing of in-containing v-type Ti-Nb alloyscitations
- 2017Crack growth behavior in an aluminum alloy under very low stress amplitudescitations
- 2017Cyclic deformation behavior of austenitic stainless steels in the very high cycle fatigue regime---Experimental results and mechanism-based simulationscitations
- 2017Analysis of Crack Extension Mechanism in the Near-Threshold Regime in an Aluminum Alloycitations
- 2017Simulation of the cyclic deformation behavior of austenitic stainless steels below the VHCF strength
- 2017Powder metallurgical processing of low modulus ß-type Ti-45Nb to bulk and macro-porous compactscitations
- 2017Development of a probabilistic model for the prediction of fatigue life in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) range based on microstructural properties
- 2017Characterization of crack initiation and crack growth in the VHCF regime on the basis of the nonlinear material behavior in comparison to optical investigations for two aluminum alloys
- 2017Influence of loading frequency and role of surface micro-defects on fatigue behavior of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 304citations
- 2017VHCF7: Seventh International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue
- 2017Risswachstumsverhalten von Aluminiumknetlegierungen unter zyklischer Beanspruchung im Bereich Very High Cycle Fatigue
- 2017Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Prüfkonzeptes zur Bewertung der Verschleiß- und Korrosionsbeständigkeit eines tribologischen Systems
- 2017Fatigue properties of a new generation ß-type Ti-Nb alloy for osteosynthesis with an industrial standard surface conditioncitations
- 2017Preface: 21st European Conference on Fracture in Catania (Italy) in 2016
- 2017Thermomechanical processing of In-containing β-type Ti-Nb alloyscitations
- 2017Influence of surface condition due to laser beam cutting on the fatigue behavior of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 304citations
- 2016Characterization of the different stages of damage evolution and crack growth in pure nickel during ultrasonic fatigue
- 2016Entwicklung eines Modellversuchs zur Nachbildung des Verschleißverhaltens für einen Hartstoff-Stahl-Verbund unter hohen Beanspruchungen
- 2016Cyclic deformation behavior of austenitic Cr--Ni-steels in the VHCF regime: Part II -- Microstructure-sensitive simulationcitations
- 2016In-situ characterization of damage evolution in welded aluminum alloy joints during cyclic deformation in the VHCF regime by means of nonlinear ultrosonics and thermography
- 2016Effect of martensite content and geometry of inclusions on the VHCF properties of predeformed metastable austenitic stainless steelscitations
- 2016Cyclic deformation behavior of austenitic Cr--Ni-steels in the VHCF regime: Part I -- Experimental studycitations
- 2016Experimental investigation and analytical description of the damage evolution in a Ni-based superalloy beyond 106 loading cyclescitations
- 2016Charakterisierung der Rissinitiierung und des --wachstums im VHCF-Bereich auf der Basis des nichlinearen Materialverhaltens am Beispiel einer ausscheidungsgehärteten Aluminiumlegierung
- 2016Einfluss der Prüffrequenz auf die Rissinitiierung und das Ermüdungsrisswachstum im HCF/VHCF-Bereich am Beispiel des Stahls 1.4301
- 2016Development of a probabilistic model for the prediction of fatigue life in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) range based on inclusion populationcitations
- 2016Prediction of Size and Position of Fracture Relevant Defects of Samples Fatigued in the VHCF Area on the Basis of Metallographic Examinationscitations
- 2016Influence of Notch Effects Created by Laser Cutting Process on Fatigue Behavior of Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steelcitations
- 2016Modeling and simulation of temperature-dependent cyclic plastic deformation of austenitic stainless steels at the VHCF limitcitations
- 2016Experimental investigation and analytical description of the damage evolution in a Ni-based superalloy beyond 10(6) loading cyclescitations
- 2015Untersuchung der Rissinitiierung und --ausbreitung im Bereich sehr hoher Lastspielzahlen (VHCF) mittels Wechselstrompotentialsonde
- 2015Simulation of the Interaction of Plastic Deformation in Shear Bands with Deformation-Induced Martensitic Phase Transformation in the VHCF Regimecitations
- 2014Effect of geometry and distribution of inclusions on the VHCF properties of a metastable austenitic stainless steelcitations
- 2014Development of a fatigue life prediction concept in the very high cycle fatigue range based on microstructural features
- 2014Using Martensite Formation during Tube-Forming to Optimize Fatigue Strengthcitations
- 2014Vorhersage der Größe der bruchrelevanten Defekte und der entsprechenden Lebensdauer von Ermüdungsproben im VHCF-Bereich auf Basis metallographischer Untersuchungen
- 2014Damage evolution and crack growth in nickel-based alloys during ultrasonic fatigue
- 2014Numerical investigation of the influence of shear band localization on the resonant behavior in the VHCF regimecitations
- 2014Einfluss der Phasenumwandlungen auf die monotone Festigkeit des metastabilen Austenitstahls X2CrNi18-10
- 2014Simulation of deformation-induced martensite formation and its influence on the resonant behavior in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regimecitations
- 2014Fatigue Behavior of Precipitation Hardening Alloys in the LCF and VHCF Regimecitations
- 2014Schwingfestigkeitsnachweis für innendruckbelastete Common-Rail-Bauteile unter Berücksichtigung hochzyklischer Betriebsbeanspruchungen
- 2014Comparative study on the fatigue evolution of a stable and a metastable austenitic stainless steel in the VHCF regime
- 2014Fatigue behaviour of laser beam welded circular weld seams under multi-axial loadingcitations
- 2014Development of a Probabilistic Model for the Prediction of Fatigue Life in the Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) Range Based on Inclusion Populationcitations
- 2014Influence of process-related defects on the fatigue behaviour of welded aluminium joints at very high cyclescitations
- 2014VHCF damage behavior of metastable austenitic stainless steel: Microstructure-sensitive modeling and simulation
- 2014Herausforderungen der mechanischen Werkstoffprüfung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Werkstoff- und Bauteileigenschaften
- 2014Modeling of deformation-induced phase transformation during very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) using the boundary element method
- 2013Ermüdungsverhalten teilchengehärteter Legierungen im Bereich niedriger und sehr hoher Lastspielzahlen
- 2013High Temperature Fatigue of Nickel-based Superalloys during High Frequency Testingcitations
- 2013High-frequency cyclic testing of welded aluminium alloy joints in the region of very high cycle fatigue (VHCF)citations
- 2013Untersuchung der Rissinitiierung und --ausbreitung mittels des Fernfeldmikroskops im VHCF-Bereich
- 2013Development of a fatigue life prediction concept in the very high cycle fatigue range based on microstructural features // High Temperature Fatigue of Nickel-based Superalloys during High Frequency Testing
- 2013The effect of damage accumulation in slip bands on the resonant behavior in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime
- 2013Diversity of damage evolution during cyclic loading at very high numbers of cyclescitations
- 2013Influence of Deformation-Induced alpha prime Martensite on the Crack Initiation Mechanism in a Metastable Austenitic Steel in the HCF and VHCF Regime
- 2013Simulation of irreversible damage accumulation in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime using the boundary element methodcitations
- 2013Schwingfestigkeit laserstrahlgeschweißter Rundnähte unter mehrachsiger Belastung
- 2013Hochfrequente Ermüdungsprüfung geschweißter Aluminiumproben bis in den Bereich sehr hoher Lastspielzahlen
- 2013Simulation of microstructural damage evolution during very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) using the boundary element methodcitations
- 2012Experimentelle Methoden zur Charakterisierung der VHCF-Schädigungsentwicklung am Beispiel eines metastabilen Austenitstahls
- 2012Damage mechanisms in the VHCF regime in quasi defect-free metals regarding different levels of microstructural inhomogeneity
- 2012In-situ characterization of the damage evolution of welded aluminum alloy joints during very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) with nonlinear ultrasonic technique
- 2011On the effects of particle strengthening and temperature on the VHCF behavior at high frequencycitations
- 2011Effect of deformation-induced martensite on the very high cycle fatigue properties of a metastable austenitic stainless steel
- 2011Very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) behavior of notched ultrasonic fatigue samples from precipitation-hardened aluminum alloys and welded joints
- 2011Characterization and Simulation of the Damage Accumulation in the Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) Regime in a Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel Based on the Resonant Behavior
- 2011Comparison of cyclic deformation behaviour of nickel-based superalloys in the low and the very high cycle fatigue range and influence of control mode
- 2011Localized cyclic deformation and corresponding dislocation arrangements of polycrystalline Ni-base superalloys and pure Nickel in the VHCF regimecitations
- 2011Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung von Versetzungen und Ausscheidungen in einer Nickelbasis-Superlegierung im VHCF-Bereichcitations
- 2011Effect of precipitation condition, prestrain and temperature on the fatigue behaviour of wrought nickel-based superalloys in the VHCF rangecitations
- 2011Fatigue life evaluation of the different zones of a welded alumninium joint in the very high cycle regime
- 2011Studying the interaction between dislocations and precipitates in a Ni-base superalloy in the VHCF regimecitations
- 2010Closed-loop control of deformation-induced mertensite in a complex tube forming process for optimized fatigue properties
- 2010Influence of prestraining on the high-temperature fatigue behaviour of polycrystalline nickel-based superalloys in the VHCF rangecitations
- 2010Prehistory effects on the VHCF behaviour of engineering metallic materials with different strengthening mechanismscitations
- 2010Microstructure and Fatigue Behaviour in the Very High Cycle Fatigue Regimecitations
- 2010Very high cycle fatigue behaviour of austenitic stainless steel and the effect of strain-induced martensitecitations
- 2010Closed-Loop Control of Deformation Induced Martensite in Complex Tube Forming Process for Optimized Fatigue Properties
- 2010Adjusting the very high cycle fatigue properties of a metastable austenitic stainless steel by means of the martensite contentcitations
- 2009Microstructural characterisation and constitutive behaviour of alloy RR1000 under fatigue and creep--fatigue loading conditionscitations
- 2009Ultraschallermüdungsprüfung zur Charakterisierung des Verhaltens von Aluminium-schweißverbindungen bei sehr hohen Lastspielzahlen (VHCF)
- 2008Modelling and Closed-loop Control of Complex Tube Forming Based on an Optimized Application of Martensite Formation in Austenitic Stainless Steelscitations
- 2008Effect of particle strengthening on the very high cycle fatigue behaviour of two nickel-base alloys
- 2007Role of Pre-Strain Effects on the Fatigue Behaviour of Nickel-Base Alloys in the VHCF-Range
- 2007Untersuchungen zum Frequenzeinfluss auf das Schädigungsverhalten vorverformter Proben aus Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen im Bereich sehr hoher Lastspielzahlen
- 2007Influence of Macroscopic and Microscopic Notch Effects on the VHCF-Behaviour of Precipitation-Hardened Aluminium Alloy
- 2007Experimentelle Herausforderungen bei der Versuchsführung zur Charakterisierung des Ermüdungsverhaltens im Übergang von HCF zu VHCF
- 2006TRIZ-Methodik in wissenschaftlichen Forschungsprojekten
- 2002Untersuchungen zur Lebensdauervorhersage einer dynamisch beanspruchten Aluminium-Schweißkonstruktion in der Fahrzeugtechnik
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